Thursday, June 14, 2012

Constitution Pipeline Begins Construction in Brooklyn PA BEFORE FERC permit is in place.

14-June-2012 -- BH

Today I visited a massive 54 acre site of a new compressor station in Brooklyn Pa.
It is right next to the Newton Hill Cemetery. It is a very beautiful, rural community.

I am familiar with the location because my friend Vera Scroggins used to live within
a mile of the site along an unpaved road.

A nearby resident, Rebecca Roter is very upset because of all of the
increased truck traffic which leaves a thick layer of dust along the
railings of her 100+ year old farm house.

This site is called the Williams Midstream Planned Central Station, which
was permitted under a GP-05 PA DEP permit.

Rebecca thinks this is the start of the Constitution Pipeline:!topic/citizensconcernedaboutnatgasdrilling/3taq_RyjFyY
I created some maps below to test her theory.

The reason why this would be is significant is twofold.

FIRST: the FERC has not issued a permit yet for the Constitution Pipeline.
Google: "PF12-9-000"

How could Williams/Cabot begin construction BEFORE the permits are in place?

Is it a "done deal"? Do these gas companies arrogantly think there no way the public can stop construction of this 30", high pressure, high impact 121 mi pipeline?

SECOND: The GP-05 is the LOWEST LEVEL permit possible,
meaning no environmental impact. By getting a PA State permit,
it bypasses the FERC permitting process necessary if this is part
of a larger interstate pipeline project.

So let's test Rebecca's theory..... Does this new facility next to the Newton Hill Cemetery
coincide with the start of the Constitution Pipeline (which is still in the FERC
pre-filing stage)?

Here is a map from Google Maps of the Newton Hill Cemetery:

Here is the start of the Constitution Pipeline:
Here are the two superimposed:

Perfect Match!
Rebecca Roter is correct.
This is the start of the Constitution Pipeline!

Did Williams Cabot lie about this, to bypass the FERC process? Seems likely to me!

This looks like a classic example of Unlawful Segmentation, where they take a very large-scale high-impact project, yet try to make it look like a series of smaller projects.


BJ said...

Bill Go and look at the area where SouthWestern Energy is going to put about the same size commpressor station in at mile 12.5 of the pipeline.

Bill Huston 1 said...

BJ, you have to give me more details. How about GPS coordinates or something?

gberke said...

Ah, found your blog, finding more information...t hanks