Monday, September 10, 2012

City of Binghamton's water is UNSAFE: 98 Unconventional Wells upstream of water intake for 50,000 people

Protected from or not exposed to danger or risk;
not likely to be harmed or lost.

Link to this:

Is this an important story?
I've been sending out requests to every local media outlet for 1 week.
So far, no coverage..

One local reporter responded and suggested that it would be more newsworthy
if there were some proven harm or violation of the law.

I suggested this is newsworthy because largely NO ONE IN BINGHAMTON KNOWS
there are 98 Unconventional gas wells located within the headwaters of the source
of their drinking water.

This is a potential public health crisis!
We need people looking for a) baseline water testing data prior to drilling (< 2008),
and also b) continuous water testing at the Binghamton City water intake.

So there are three levels of risk here:
  1. Binghamton's water is safe, not exposed to danger or risk from drilling:
    => This was 5 years ago, prior to drilling in the drainage basin.

  2. Binghamton's water is unsafe, exposed to danger or risk from drilling.
    => This is where we are today.

  3. Binghamton's drinking water has been proven to contain toxins from drilling operations
Is Binghamton's water source safe, i.e., "not exposed to danger or risk?" NO.
Four years of drilling operations in Bingamton's headwaters.
  • Every surface spill of chemicals or drilling muds in this area ends up in the Susquehanna River => Binghamton's water source.

  • Every "inadvertent return to surface" of drilling muds or fracking fluids ends up in the Susquehanna River => Binghamton's water source.

PLEASE CALL LOCAL, REGIONAL, and STATEWIDE NEWS and ask them to report this important story.
People in Binghamton largely DO NOT KNOW there is drilling going on
within the headwaters of their water source.

WBNG Action News --607-729-9575
WICZ-Fox40 --607-798-0070
YNN --607-240-6631 or 1-866-4NEWS10
WSKG --607-729-0100 (ask for news director) / or 729-0200 (leave message)
WIVT-Newschannel 34 --607-723-6403
WNBF-Radio --607-772-8400 (Bob Joseph or news)
Press + Sun --607-798-1151
WHRW --607-771-2139 (news)

May you, and all beings
be happy and free from suffering :)
-- ancient Buddhist Prayer (Metta)

1 comment:

  1. According to the picture above water of Binghampton city is really not safe and situation is very critical so relevant department should pay attention to solve this issue.

    Water Testing


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