People in NY think they are safe from the harms of fracking.
But are they?
Link to this:
(UPDATE 9-12-2012 the actual number of wells is 98 as supplied by PA DEP via Karen Edelstein/Fractracker)
PLEASE CALL THE NEWS and get them to cover this story! (numbers below)
My friend Bret Jennings is a councilor for Great Bend Borough, PA.
(Contact: Bret Jennings )
He recently told me that some residents on private wells
have had their water turn black. Fracking operations are going on
~4000 feet away.
This is a serious problem because these people are on city sewer,
but may get cut off, as the chemicals in frack fluids destroy the
beneficial bacteria necessary for sewer plants to operate.
I note the water from Great Bend flows towards NY and Binghamton.
Also, I note the City of Binghamton (as Bret tells me) has at least
one water source which draws directly from the Susquehanna.
So I started wondering, how many fracked wells exist now in the
watershed which drains into the Susquehanna and ultimately provides
Binghamton's water?
I started with some maps found here:
And I added a layer which shows the flow of the Susquehanna (Yellow arrows)
and added a layer for the creeks which drain into the Susquehanna (Pink arrows).
This is the map. (the City of Binghamton is at the top of the map, near the pink dot
labeled "Port Dickinson"). All of the orange squares are active well pads:
As you can see there are quite a few wells which already exist in the watershed
which supply Binghamton, and points west, their drinking water.
By my count, there are ~61 pads in the Snake Creek, Salt Lick, Starucca Creek watersheds, (and a couple of small streams in between) which are all upstream of Binghamton.
Assuming an average of 3 wells per pad, it's probably a conservative estimate
there are 150 98 Marcellus wells in Binghamton's upstream watershed.
At each well pad, tons of chemical poisons are brought on site.
Anything spilled at any well site, as well as any "inadvertent
return to surface" of injected frack fluids in the purple area on the map
will end up in the Susquehanna, which is the City of Binghamton's
water supply.
I wonder how many people there realize this?
We need answers!
This video by Scott Cannon of Gas Drilling Awareness Coalition documents some of the known problems which have occurred upstream within the Binghamton headwaters, in Franklin Township, Silver Lake Townshp, Liberty Township, and Great Bend Township:
PLEASE CALL LOCAL NEWS and ask them to report this story:
WBNG Action News --607-729-9575
WICZ-Fox40 --607-798-0070
YNN --607-240-6631 or 1-866-4NEWS10
WSKG --607-729-0100 (ask for news director) / or 729-0200 (leave message)
WIVT-Newschannel 34 --607-723-6403
WNBF-Radio --607-772-8400 (Bob Joseph or news)
Press + Sun --607-798-1151
WHRW --607-771-2139 (news)
Mayor Matt Ryan (607) 772-7001
Press+Sun BulletinExecutive Editor: Calvin Stovall (607) 798-1186
Assistant Managing Editor: Al Vieira (607) 798-1374
Newsroom: (607) 798-1151
or email:
May you, and all beings
be happy and free from suffering :)
-- ancient Buddhist Prayer (Metta)
But are they?
Link to this:
(UPDATE 9-12-2012 the actual number of wells is 98 as supplied by PA DEP via Karen Edelstein/Fractracker)
PLEASE CALL THE NEWS and get them to cover this story! (numbers below)
My friend Bret Jennings is a councilor for Great Bend Borough, PA.
(Contact: Bret Jennings )
He recently told me that some residents on private wells
have had their water turn black. Fracking operations are going on
~4000 feet away.
This is a serious problem because these people are on city sewer,
but may get cut off, as the chemicals in frack fluids destroy the
beneficial bacteria necessary for sewer plants to operate.
I note the water from Great Bend flows towards NY and Binghamton.
Also, I note the City of Binghamton (as Bret tells me) has at least
one water source which draws directly from the Susquehanna.
So I started wondering, how many fracked wells exist now in the
watershed which drains into the Susquehanna and ultimately provides
Binghamton's water?
I started with some maps found here:
And I added a layer which shows the flow of the Susquehanna (Yellow arrows)
and added a layer for the creeks which drain into the Susquehanna (Pink arrows).
This is the map. (the City of Binghamton is at the top of the map, near the pink dot
labeled "Port Dickinson"). All of the orange squares are active well pads:
As you can see there are quite a few wells which already exist in the watershed
which supply Binghamton, and points west, their drinking water.
By my count, there are ~61 pads in the Snake Creek, Salt Lick, Starucca Creek watersheds, (and a couple of small streams in between) which are all upstream of Binghamton.
Assuming an average of 3 wells per pad, it's probably a conservative estimate
there are 150 98 Marcellus wells in Binghamton's upstream watershed.
At each well pad, tons of chemical poisons are brought on site.
Anything spilled at any well site, as well as any "inadvertent
return to surface" of injected frack fluids in the purple area on the map
will end up in the Susquehanna, which is the City of Binghamton's
water supply.
I wonder how many people there realize this?
We need answers!
- FIND OUT: How many Marcellus wells are in the headwaters for the City of Binghamton? (est: 150) (Update Sept 10: ANSWER: 98, courtesy Karen Edelstein, Fractracker)
- FIND OUT: Are there baseline water tests for Binghamton's water PRIOR TO DRILLING (e.g. >4 years ago)?
- FIND OUT: How many reported surface spills and "inadvertent return to surface" accidents have there been in the Snake Creek, Salt Lick Creek, and Starucca Creek watersheds in the last 4 years?
This video by Scott Cannon of Gas Drilling Awareness Coalition documents some of the known problems which have occurred upstream within the Binghamton headwaters, in Franklin Township, Silver Lake Townshp, Liberty Township, and Great Bend Township:
PLEASE CALL LOCAL NEWS and ask them to report this story:
WBNG Action News --607-729-9575
WICZ-Fox40 --607-798-0070
YNN --607-240-6631 or 1-866-4NEWS10
WSKG --607-729-0100 (ask for news director) / or 729-0200 (leave message)
WIVT-Newschannel 34 --607-723-6403
WNBF-Radio --607-772-8400 (Bob Joseph or news)
Press + Sun --607-798-1151
WHRW --607-771-2139 (news)
Mayor Matt Ryan (607) 772-7001
Press+Sun BulletinExecutive Editor: Calvin Stovall (607) 798-1186
Assistant Managing Editor: Al Vieira (607) 798-1374
Newsroom: (607) 798-1151
or email:
May you, and all beings
be happy and free from suffering :)
-- ancient Buddhist Prayer (Metta)
What about the sinkhole with the orange snow fence around it that has grass and weeds growing up through it above the Laser pipeline. I think this is what the DEP will report as the cause of the black water. Guess we just have to wait till after 12 September for when they start the third well on the Coyle Well pad. Yes, I said sink hole on the Laser pipeline where they did directional drilling under the Susquehanna River, so it is in unstable soil.