Thursday, September 20, 2012

An Open Letter to Senator Tom Libous

An Open Letter to Senator Tom Libous regarding personal threats made to him.

Dear Tom,

I have recently read in the news that you have received death threats.
This is most unfortunate.

I am personally sorry if anyone has issued such threats,
and I honestly know of no one who would do such a thing.

I consider you a friend and a human being.
I practice non-judgment and non-violence always
and I urge others in the anti-fracking movement to also.

I wish you and your family good health and happiness always.

I do not see any person who is pro-fracking as a demon or evil,
although I have seen pictures of Cuomo with horns, etc.
These pictures disturb me and I urge others against
this demonizing language/images.

This just happened at the Binghamton rally at Otsiningo Park,
where a person brought a sign depicting Cuomo as the devil.
I, along with Isaac, one of the organizers, both spoke to the person
and asked her to remove this sign. (she refused).

I do not know of any threats made against you personally,
and I am personally sorry if you have received such.
This environmental movement is based around the universal
principles of LIFE, so such threats are quite inconsistent.

That all said....

I, and others in this movement consider fracking to be a GRAVE THREAT
to our water and our lives, and could make this place toxic to living
things for 1000 years.

I note that you are pro-fracking, and having a great position of power,
I thus believe your continued presence in the legislature poses a great threat to
our health and well being and to that of Seven Generations.
I also feel your anti-home rule stance is subversive of democracy.

So I am personally working on various campaigns to have
you removed from office through the political process
of the next election.

Please understand this is politics only, and is not a personal attack.
I am sorry if anything I have said you have considered as such.
This is not my intent to attack you or any person.
I only feel your actions and policies as a legislatorare dangerous to our well being.

Again, I hope you and your family are well,
and I appreciate the warm courtesy you have offered me
each time we have met.

Kindest Regards,
Bill Huston

May you, and all beings
be happy and free from suffering :)
-- ancient Buddhist Prayer (Metta)

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