Saturday, July 20, 2013

What the FERC, people? Weird thing about compressor stations in ST-NY and NE-PA!

What the FERC, people?

Check this: Found something weird
about compressor stations in ST-NY and NE-PA!

Here's a fun trivia question:

What are the three biggest compressor stations
in Broome County NY and Susquehanna County PA?

And what else do they have in common?

I don't expect many people to know this.
I just saw 8 stations by air, out of about 20-25:

Here are my candidates for the biggest,
and some other fun facts...
  • Williams Central Station @ TGP300 + Constitution,  Brooklyn/Bridgewater Township PA
  • Lathrop Compressor @ TGP300, Springville Township, PA
  • Laser NE @ Millennium (Dunbar Rd), W. Windsor NY

Fun facts about each:
  1. All are used to charge large (30" ,1300psi)
    interstate transmission lines FROM gathering line systems

  2. All were built, owned, and/or operated by Williams Company

  3. All have had spectacular explosions/fires in a 14 month period.

  4. None were scoped by FERC.

Can I repeat that?

  1. Biggest ass compressors in the area
  2. All owned/operated by Williams
  3. All have exploded in 14 months (!!)
  4. All connect to interstate transmission lines

They are all "field compressors", 
part of "gathering line systems"

Uh huh...

What the F*, people?
(F=FERC, Frack, etc)

More info? Contact me:
Please try email first.
I am most responsive here.

Phone me only as a last resort.

It may take me a week to respond by phone.

For your reference:

Up to 7 Years Jail time for Material misrepresentation to Congress and Regulators
18 USC § 1001

"Domestic terrorism" is defined, check it.

Does this meet the definition of a criminal syndicate? 
IOGA-NY, PIOPA, JLCNY, EID/API, Halliburton/Schlumberger
Organzied Crime/Criminal Syndicates illegal by federal law:
18 U.S.C. § 1961–1968

A little bird told my one PA town is looking into claims under
Bioterrorism Act of 2002. Check it.

Hope this helps,

May you, and all beings
be happy and free from suffering :)
-- ancient Buddhist Prayer (Metta)

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