Thursday, June 1, 2017

Firing up CPV Valley ...w/NO Pipeline! (#BombTrucks)

CPV Valley, under construction.... with no pipeline feeding it!

Hexagon Titan-XL, carrying 12 tons of methane.

Stop the #BombTrucks!


I hope you can please get up to speed on the BRAND NEW ISSUE of "Bomb Trucks",
which each carry a payload of 12 tons of methane. Very few people know about this, as it is so new.

IMO we need a statewide response, because this WILL impact ALL NYers!!
This is a brand new activity, and has only been occurring in a major way since Feb 2017 (~3 months).  This activity is nearly completely UNREGULATED by any agency which would normally regulate, e.g., a pipeline.

I have done a ton of original research on this for 3 weeks.
(Very grateful to Craig Stevens, Vera Scroggins, and Ray Kemble for their contributions)

YES IT'S TRUE!!! They've implimented a Virtual Constitution Pipeline,
from PA gas production fields to Iroquois Pipeline via trucks!!!

Just 2 weeks ago when I first announced this, I had several people
tell me this was "impossible", "illegal". One person said it was
"utter nonesense"  (red bold text in original)

When we tell people what is happening, most do not believe it.
I would not believe it either, unless I was seeing it with my own eyes!

Then, a week later, it was reported as fact in passing here:

Tractor Trailers Create Natural Gas Pipeline, Upset Neighbors

By Trish Kilgannon
Updated Wednesday, May 24, 2017 at 11:37 PM EDT SPECTRUM NEWS VIDEO: The fight over the Constitution Pipeline has died down, but many opponents say the gas companies are replacing it with trucks. Tractor trailers carrying compressed gas drive through small communities to get from fields in Pennsylvania to the Iriquois [sic] Pipeline in Herkimer County. The trucks carry highly flammable compressed natural gas and stop twice a day in Vestal, but Town Supervisor John Schaffer says they are safe and pose no threat to the area.


Want more proof? See this graphic, from a presentation by the Iroquois Pipeline Company:
(the source of the arrow is misleading, seemingly coming from the NE)

A "Bomb Truck" on Old Vestal Road, behind Town Square Mall, Vestal,
Broome County. NOTE: DOT 1971 Hazmat Placard  (Photo:BH)

These trucks haul what resemble ordinary 40'ft box trailers, but are extremely high tech.
Inside, they contain multiple carbon-fiber composite tanks, and cost $500k each.
They are also ISO intermodal shipping containers, so they can be placed on a train or a boat ...for export!

Since the Oil+Gas industry has had such a hard time building new pipelines
and natural gas infrastructure, especially in NY*, the industry has found a new way
to ship large volumes of Natural Gas by truck.

(* Projects Killed or Withdrawn: Constitution Pipeline, Kinder Morgan NED,
Crestwood Gallery-2 expansion, Port Ambrose LNG, Millennium "I-81 Pipeline",
Fracking in NY, Empire Northern Access, etc.... WOW!)

The Yellow Line was the proposed Constitution Pipeline.
The Blue Line is the route currently being taken by these Bomb Trucks.

Sorry? Who is the Domestic Terrorist?

I got a call from a Vestal Police Officer who got a complaint (from XNG) because
they didn't like the use of the term "Bomb Trucks" on my blog. Someone, including
the Vestal Chief of Police thought I must be a DOMESTIC TERRORIST who
was advocating sabotage.  NOTHING COULD BE FARTHER FROM THE TRUTH!

The officer must not have read my blog very carefully, because it should
be very clear my main concerns are about public safety.
In fact, I have stated STRONG OPPOSITION to groups like Deep Green Resistance,
and Climate Disobedience Center which advocate DANGEROUS INDUSTRIAL
SABOTAGE, like the "Valve Turners":

Here is audio of the call with the Vestal PD officer. Sorry, I'm very upset.

Let's check the others who also use this term:

Jim Kevlin of AllOtsego (Freeman's Journal) calls them "Bomb Trucks":

Vic Furman of Natural Gas Now calls them "Bomb Trucks":

The Supervisor of the Town of Vestal calls them "Bomb Trucks"!

So I hope the Vestal Police gives me Equal Protection of the Law
and investigates ALL of these Suspects of Domestic Terrorism!
(or drops the investigation against me :) )

Justifying the term "Bomb Trucks"
I did some analysis of the thermal energy contained in 12 tons of methane,
the payload of a Hexagon Titan-XL.

Unless I've made a math error, the thermal energy of 12 tons of methane
(under ideal conditions, mixed 5%-15% concentration in air)
is equal to 133 tons of TNT.  A normal boxcar of coal which you see
trains hauling is about 100 tons.

A few pounds of methane is enough to blow a 2 story house

Bottom line: If only one of the four primary tanks failed catastrophically,
ruptured, and caught an ignition source under idea conditions, this
would create an explosion 18x bigger than the final Mythbusters.

If all 4 tanks failed, it would be 72x bigger!
(Have a nice day!)

Science geeks: Please check my math:

In 2014, a truck in Howard WI exploded and killed the driver when a much smaller
Hexagon Composite CNG fuel tank was ruptured by an unsecured fork lift
This was ONLY the force of the gas escaping which destroyed the truck and
killed the driver. The gas did not find a source of ignition.  IMAGINE if it had
found a source of ignition!

The US DOT has only just approved these new trucks in 2016.
They require these box tankers survive a rollover at 60 mph.

But can you imagine the chance of a piece of steel in a high speed accident
rupturing one of these tanks? I CAN!

ABSOLUTELY No Regulation!
  • No regulation from NYS DEC (why no air quality permit for Manheim?)
  • No regulation from NYS DOT
  • No regulation from NYS PSC
  • No regulation from FERC
  • No special regulation from Federal DOT
This Direct Energy rep (affiliated with XNG terminal in Manheim) BRAGS
that this is unregulated
Here is PROOF that XNG lied to the town of Manheim about the purpose of their facility:
Town of Manheim has removed all documentation about the XNG facility from their website:
CPV Valley without a Pipeline
As you may know, CPV-Valley Energy Center is at an advanced stage of development. However, the Millennium Pipeline "Valley Lateral" project, FERC docket cp16-17, is currently waiting for approval. 

Many of us have been working under the assumption that if we can kill the pipeline, we can kill CPV-Valley. Not true.

Here are my calculations:
  • CPV Valley adds 35 Bcf/year of demand to Millennium
  • 35 BCF = 35,000 MMCF / 365 = 96 mmcf/day avg.
  • Project which would provide 130 MMcf/d of capacity to serve CPV Valley's proposed 650 MW generating facility (Source)
So now we have a range of 96-130 MMCF/d needed.
  • Each truck has a capacity of 526,612 scf (source)
  • 527k scf = ~527 mcf = 0.527 MMCF (Gas Units Conversion Table)
  • 53 MMCF/day = 100 trucks
  • 96 MMCF/day = 181 trucks/day (average)
  • 130 MMCF/day = 245 trucks/day (peak load)
So CPV Valley could be completely fired using a "Virtual Pipeline" (industry term) using these trucks @ ~200/day.

The facility at Forest Lake PA is currently serving between 50-100 trucks / day using only one of two compressors active.

The proposed Pentagon Energy facility in New Milford, Susquehanna County PA is a monster 8-engine facility.
If it scales lineally, then it could service 400-800 trucks/day.

The proposed facility in Fenton, Broome County NY is even bigger, @ 12 electric compressors.
If it scales lineally, then it could service 600-1200 trucks/day.

So if all three facilities are built, we could see a total of 100 to 200 + 400 to 800 + 600 to 1200
= 1,100 to 2,200 trucks per day

Possible other consumers of gas by trucks:

There are several sites in E. Canada being considered for LNG export.

Pieridae Energy is looking for 200 million cubic feet/day for export at Goldboro:
200 MMCF = ~380 trucks per day.

Bomb Trucks Working Group

If you want to be a part of a new Bomb Trucks Working Group,
please let me know with an email. Click on the link below,
or put "Bomb Trucks Working Group Subscribe" in the Subject line.


PS: Feel Free to share this with other individuals or lists you think are appropriate.

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