Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Cabot Oil and Gas: Cease and Desist!

My letter to Cabot Oil and Gas' attorney, Amy Barrette. 

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: William Huston <>
Date: Wed, Apr 10, 2019, 12:02 PM
Subject: Cabot Oil and Gas: Cease and Desist!
To: Barrette, Amy L. <>

Ms. Barrette, 

Let me make this very clear.

I am in fear my personal safety. YOU (Cabot and agents) ARE VIOLATING MY CONSTITUTION, CIVIL, and STATUTORY RIGHTS. 

I do not trust you, or any of Cabot's agents, who have stalked me, followed me, acted in bad faith, invaded my privacy, harassed me, threatened me, bullied me, including physical assault, defamed me, and are now abusing the courts punitively against me, for at least seven years.

This includes Energy In Depth, Natural Gas Now, Tom Shepstone, Rachel Colley/Bunzey, Nicole Jacobs, Joe Massaro, Bill Desrosiers, WellSaidCabot, George Stark, Madison Weaver, Marcellus Drilling News, Jim Willis, Phelim McAleer, Victor Furman, Frank George Chernega, John "Jack" MacArthur, and others. 

Upon Information and Belief, Cabot Oil and Gas has a paid placement on Google, a video which shows up when one searches for "Bill Huston Blog", which was shot by Vic Furman, published by EID Marcellus, which is or was funded by Cabot directly or indirectly through the 501c6 trade association IPAA, with the defamatory title "Bill Huston Meltdown". This paid placement has existed since 2012 (seven years), yet is not identified as a paid placement. Since Google declares their Page Rank is determined organically through links , people assume this placement is due to popularity. It is thus fraud as well as defamation. This paid placement has caused me substantial damage to my reputation, personal friendships, and has impacted my ability to raise funds. 

Upon Information and belief, Cabot's involving me in this case has nothing to do with your allegations that I have material evidence to support your claims against Mr. Kemble, but are in fact, abusing the courts PUNITIVELY AGAINST ME solely because, 

a) I helped Mr. Kemble defend against your attacks against his life and property, 

b) for my other work for a decade, exposing the harms of gas drilling activities, and fighting natural gas infrastructure projects, such as the Constitution Pipeline, and Type-4 CNG Bulk-Haul "Virtual Pipeline" Tube-Trailers, aka, #BombTrucks (XNG, NG Advantage),  which you (Cabot and agents) perceives as impacting Cabot's bottom line. 

I do not intend to cooperate with your Witch Hunt against my friend Ray Kemble. I intend to refile my Quash Motion with the court of jurisdiction and seek an order of protection against your threats against my person.  

I HAVE NO MATERIAL EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT EITHER OF YOUR BOGUS CLAIMS AGAINST RAYMOND KEMBLE. I have NO TESTIMONY to offer which can support either of your claims against Mr. Kemble. 

As I stated in my brief, I only casually knew Mr. Kemble during the time of the alleged events of your two claims against Mr. Kemble. I only came to know and work with him closely AFTER you filed your 2017 action against him.

I am not a party to this case. I am not mentioned in the complaint. 

Your claims against Mr. Kemble in the verified complaint are based on perjurous and false statements made by George Stark. Mr. Stark admitted to an AP reporter on Feb 4 that Cabot's claims against Mr. Kemble are bogus, and in fact you are only using this case to seek punishment against others: 

"This is Cabot vs. the money that's behind this. These are paid activists, paid actors on behalf of Food & Water Watch and the like.... Some will say that, you know, again Cabot is going after a local voice. And that's nothing further from the truth. We are actively going after those that are funding. These billionaire groups are funding these mouthpieces." -- Binghamton Press & Sun, "Gas driller Cabot backs off demand to have Susquehanna County man thrown in jail", 2/4/2019

I demand that you CEASE AND DESIST all such activities, including stalking, harassment, defamation, threats, surveillance, bullying, personal attacks, and intimidation against me.

I demand that you remove all videos, photos, podcasts, audio recordings, blog posts, online comments and other published statements made by your agents which include my name and/or image. 

I demand that you (Cabot and agents) stay 200'ft away from me at all times. You are not authorized to possess my home address or divulge it to others, and you only obtained this information under duress and threats of imprisonment. You are directed to delete this from all records. 

I do not authorize you sending mail or packages to my home, or doing surveillance upon me at any time. I do not authorize you to investigate me in any way. I consider such activities criminal harassment, and threats to my personal safety. 

You are directed to send any letters to me BOTH by email, and to: PO Box 22, Endicott NY 13761. 

You are not authorized to call me on my personal cell number, as you already have. You are not authorized to posess this number. You are not authorized to divulge this number to anyone. You should delete this number from all your records. Upon Information and Belief, you obtained this number via illegal means. 

ONLY If you have a summons for me, then I direct you to a) call me on 607-296-0671, AND email me at giving me 48 Hours Notice (only counting hours M-F). I will make arrangements to meet your process server in a public location. 

If you do not cooperate with these demands, then I will seek whatever remedies and protections are afforded to me under law. 

Thank you for your cooperation. 
William Huston 

On Tue, Apr 9, 2019, 4:17 PM Barrette, Amy L. <> wrote:
                On April 3 I replied to your March 30 email, but have not received a response from you.  Please advise whether you are consenting to the deposition.  If we do not hear from you soon, we will proceed accordingly.

Best regards,
Amy Barrette

Amy Barrette

One Oxford Centre
301 Grant Street, 20th Floor
Pittsburgh, PA 15219-1410
412 562 1626 (o)

Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney PC

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