Saturday, November 10, 2018

ATTENTION Sidney NY! New XNG "drop yard" leaves Dangerous HAZMAT vehicles UNATTENDED!

New XNG Drop Yard in Sidney NY

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Attention Sidney, NY!! 

Xpress Natural Gas (XNG) has a new "Drop Yard" for their High Consequence #BombTrucks on the NE corner of NY-7 & NY-8, behind Catskill Shed Co. It is a muddy, UNFENCED lot!

Take Action Below!!

What's a "Drop Yard"? It is a swap point. Some drivers bring up full trailers from Forest Lake PA, unhook it and leave it there. Then they pick up an empty and take it back.

Other drivers bring an empty down from Manheim, drop it, and pick up a full one, take it up to Manheim.

For about a month or so, XNG has been observed to be taking a new route up NY-8 to Utica, and then to Manheim. We think they are taking this new route due to the resolutions against the trucks in Otsego Co.

This route is longer than the 205->28 route, so we are **guessing** this new drop yard (similar to 440 Prentice Rd. in Vestal) is to give an intermediate stop, to shorten two legs of the route, to allow drivers to complete 2 round trips in a 14 hr shift.
These HAZMAT vehicles are being left UNATTENDED for hours at a time. They have risk of EXTREME CONSEQUENCES like fire or explosion beyond any other vehicles on the road. They are known to spontaneously vent. They could be tampered with by some kids (talk about having a bad day!) or used for a terroristic purpose.

Site: NE Corner of NY-7 and NY-8, behind Catskill Shed Co., in a muddy, UNFENCED yard!

PS: There are NO SPECIAL RULES for these drop-yards, and because these high-pressure CNG tanks are on wheels, they are not subject to DEC permits for bulk storage facilities.
We need to fix a DOZEN different laws and add new regulations to address the special risks of these vehicles.

11 tons of methane has the same potential energy as 130 tons of of TNT, or 11x MOABs, the most powerful non-nuclear weapon in the US arsenal.

This has been independently verified by 5 PhDs, including Dr. Anthony Ingraffea (Physics), Dr. Dennis Higgins (Mathematics), and Dr. Ron Bishop (Chemistry)

OK-- a worse-case scenario might be rare... but are you willing to take your chances on such a High-Consequence "Black Swan" event? (cf. "Precautionary Principle")
These vehicles can explode without a source of ignition!
In a fire,Type-4 CNG tanks can turn into a giant flamethrower if safety devices called "Thermally Actuated Pressure Relied Devices" .... WORK AS DESIGNED!!!

There is no doubt, these are EXTREME CONSEQUENCE VEHICLES!

WARNING: Even "Big name" Environmental NGOs and Academics are spreading FALSE and DANGEROUS Industry Talking Points about the safety of High-Pressure Type-4 Composite CNG Tanks! YES, THEY DO EXPLODE, and YES there have been fatalities!

XNG's executives have told some OUTRAGEOUS lies to first responders about the safety of their vehicles.


Please contact any of the following:
NY State Police, Troop-C, 607-547-2233. Describe your concerns to the dispatcher, then ask for Commercial Enforcement:
New York State Office of the Attorney General's Environmental Protection Bureau at 518-776-2400
NYS DEC 24-hour, toll-free hotline for reporting environmental violations: 1-844-DEC-ECOs (1-844-332-3267)
NYState DOT: 518-457-6195
NY Dept. of Homeland Security, emergency services(DHSES) Office of Fire Prevention and Control (OFPC): (518) 242-5000 Ask for Christopher Gould
Delaware Co. Sheriff: 607-832-5555
Map of location.

Two new facilities in NE PA are under development. So the number of High Pressure #BombTrucks entering NY every day is about to TRIPLE! From 100 to 300 trucks PER DAY!
Where are the NY Statewide groups
helping to fight these vehicles!!!?

Just to let you know: We are not only NOT GETTING HELP stopping these experimental, High-Consequence vehicles from people and groups we expected to be our Natural Allies, but we are getting BLOCKED, BANNED, and are enduring VISCOUS PERSONAL ATTACKS, ironically, while our work on these #BombTrucks is being STOLEN, plagiarized, and used WITHOUT ATTRIBUTION as if it were their own! Yes, other groups are USING MY RESEARCH as if it was their own.

I DO NOT REALLY CARE about name recognition for this work!
I am doing this work in the public interest, and NOT for egoic purposes.
But, I do have a body with needs for shelter and food.

I am personally grateful to the following people who have provided consistent encourage and support of this work: Craig L. Stevens, Nicole Dillingham, Otsego 2000, Halt the Harm Network, Barbara Arrindell, Damascus Citizens for Sustainability, Food and Water Watch (Eric, Alex, Laura), Keith Schue, Dennis Higgins, Kathy Shimberg, Valdi Weiderpas, Tony Ingraffea, JoAnn Gardner, Justin Nobel (Rolling Stone Magazine), Dwain Wilder (editor, "The Banner"),  "Kingpin", and several tipsters and informants who prefer not to be identified.

(If I forgot someone who needs to be credited, please let me know!

PS: I CANNOT do this work without Public Support. 
..... This means YOU!
Please donate to you can:

I am in desperate need of about $1,000 just to break even. 
Donations in ANY amount gratefully received! 

Note: ALL donors will be receive access to some EXCLUSIVE special new material next week! 

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​Lots more info:

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