1. WOW! We got some great press today:
This is really one of the best pieces I have ever seen on an environmental issue. There is no industry spin, they got all the essential facts in there, and everything is correct! Vince Briga and Camille DeLongis with Time Warner News deserve great credit for this!http://www.twcnews.com/nys/binghamton/news/2016/07/18/endicott-residents-concerned-over-toxic-leachate-dumping-in-susquehanna-river.html
The only think I wished for was the Link to the Documents Collection: TinyURL.com/StopTheStinkTrucks ... but that is a small detail considering how much they got right
2. Conference Call Summary
We had a great conference call. Around 15 people attended.
Here is my summary of the main presentations.
Here is my summary of the main presentations.
1) Intro to the issue / Site History by Bill Huston
2) LAW: Environmental attorney Rachel Treichler explains the NY State SPDES program under the federal Clean Water Act, the NY SEQRA law, and basic ways to fight the permit, and some strange things she observed about this one.
3) CHEMISTRY: Dr. Ron Bishop frightens us all with the realities of Reverse Osmosis Concentrate chemistry, the volumes involved, and some discoveries he made which could stall the permit application in its tracks.
Rachel and Ron gave us some very important ways to stop or slow this permit, so be sure to check out what they had to say.
Audio will be posted soon...
3. REMINDER! Just 2 weeks left to comment to DEC!
URGENT!! This takes just 5 minutes.... Please write to the DEC and ask for the following things.
1) 90 days extension
2) Public Hearings
3) and Info Sessions
3) and Info Sessions
Teresa Diehsner
NYSDEC Headquarters
625 Broadway
Albany, NY 12233
Refer: i3 Electronics Endicott SPDES permit NY#0003808.
If so moved, please tell the DEC that you support the Concerned Citizens of Endicott's 16 demands, including a site tour, all documents easily accessible to the general public, both online and in local libraries, and a site tour.
If you have 5 additional minutes to spare, PLEASE CONTACT Assemblywoman Donna Lupardo for SUBSTANTIVE help on this issue, especially if you live in her distruct (123rd Assembly District).
We want THREE THINGS from Donna:
a) a letter to DEC asking for 90 days extension, public hearings, and info sessions, (she has told us she agrees to these, but so far, NO LETTER. We don't have much time left!) Show us that you are on our side, Donna.
b) to meet with Concerned Citizens of Endicott and hear our concerns. (She knows where to find us). and
c) INFORM her constituents about the issue via social media and her emailed newsletter and give them instructions about how to make a comment to DEC.
Donna Lupardo office phone: 607-723-9047
email: LupardoD@nyassembly.gov
We want THREE THINGS from Donna:
a) a letter to DEC asking for 90 days extension, public hearings, and info sessions, (she has told us she agrees to these, but so far, NO LETTER. We don't have much time left!) Show us that you are on our side, Donna.
b) to meet with Concerned Citizens of Endicott and hear our concerns. (She knows where to find us). and
c) INFORM her constituents about the issue via social media and her emailed newsletter and give them instructions about how to make a comment to DEC.
Donna Lupardo office phone: 607-723-9047
email: LupardoD@nyassembly.gov
Contact form: http://assembly.state.ny.us/mem/Donna-A-Lupardo/contact/
Again--- we have LESS THAN 2 weeks left.
Please help share this on social media
and on relevant NY and downstream (PA, VA, MD) environmental lists
This graphic lists all of the downstream communities:

5. Visit STOP THE STINK TRUCKS World Headquarters!
If you want more information, stop by Mark's Coffee Shop, 1412 North St. in Endicott, 13760 any day, M-F 6am till noon.
Mark Bacon, at Stop the Stink Trucks World HQ: 1412 North St., Endicott:
(607) 785-7565
(607) 785-7565
Thanks for your interest in this issue.
May you, and all beings
be happy and free from suffering :)
-- ancient Buddhist Prayer (Metta)
May you, and all beings
be happy and free from suffering :)
-- ancient Buddhist Prayer (Metta)
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