Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Sky is Pink

The Sky is Pink

Link to this:
The Sky is Pink

THE SKY IS PINK from JFOX on Vimeo.

May you, and all beings
be happy and free from suffering :)
-- ancient Buddhist Prayer (Metta)


Edmond said...

Great job by Josh Fox on the adverse effects of Fracking. The scientific facts are that the fracking process causes severe and irreversible problems to our water supply, to our environment, and to all life forms. There are better and safer ways to generate energy (solar, etc.) Is it not a better choice to prevent real and potential problems before they occur. Health issues from this process do not discriminate, they affect all beings, pro-frakers, anti-frackers, the affluent and the non-affluent, the young and the old. Politicians and public decision makers, please CHOOSE wisely for the safety not just of this generation, but for seven generations into the future.

Thanks Bill for posting the clip.

Edmond said...

Great job by Josh Fox on the adverse effects of Fracking. The scientific facts are that the fracking process causes severe and irreversible problems to our water supply, to our environment, and to all life forms. There are better and safer ways to generate energy (solar, etc.) Is it not a better choice to prevent real and potential problems before they occur. Health issues from this process do not discriminate, they affect all beings, pro-frakers, anti-frackers, the affluent and the non-affluent, the young and the old. Politicians and public decision makers, please CHOOSE wisely for the safety not just of this generation, but for seven generations into the future.

Thanks Bill for posting the clip.