Thursday, November 18, 2010

A huge victory tonight in Broome County NY!

Nov 18 2010 huge victory today in Broome County NY!

It is a victory for Friends of Clean Air and Water!

It is a victory for the health and prosperity of Seven Generations!

This is a testament to the power of the people, the power of compassion, and the power of truth.

The second deal between Inflection Energy and Broome County Government to allow hyrdofracking for methane gas on county lands, including our landfill and public parks -- these are public lands, common lands held for the benefit of all beings -- was again defeated by a massive grass roots organizing campaign which helped to turn around a pro-gas legislature.

Absolutely stunning victory.

Three seperate resolutions were denied relating to Broome County being lead agency over a generic lease, a "negative declaration" of any environmental impacts due to signing the lease (which many saw as an attempt to illegaly segment the potential environmental harms of gas drilling from the lease, in violation of SEQR), and a specific lease with Inflection.

I want to especially recognize the work of Walter Hang and Josh Fox for their work around this issue. I also want to thank everyone who has been working tirelessly on this, many people from Tioga, Chenego, and Tomkins County NY, and also Bradford and Susquehanna County PA for helping us.

I want to thank all the members of Shaleshock, NYRAD, and the Susquehanna Co. Gas Forum for all of your amazing work on this. I also want to thank all of the amazing affinity groups, ROUSE, CDOG, NYH2O, Damascus Citizens for Sustainability, Susquehanna Citizens for Clean Water... thankfully, there are too many to name!

And of course, to all of the members of the Broome County Legislature who listened to their constituents and to their higher voice.

This is not the last time we will come together.

Stay prepared,
and remember the power of the people!

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