Monday, December 6, 2010

Update from Owego... MORE GOOD NEWS!

I saw several NYRADians there, so I'm sure others will chime in...

Basically, there were many comments questioning the plan.

1: what about all the trucks?

2: it's not 200,000 gal / day. It's 750,000, because of 550,000 planned to be
    taken from the municipal water well. That's a lot of water!
    200,000 gal/day was going to be a lot of trucks! Now the real
    number turns out to be nearly FOUR TIMES originally thought!

3: Most people had no time to inspect the actual contract.
    Is there 1 contract or 2? (there was mention of an additional
    water withdrawal contract)

4: Did Owego get a competitive price? on their effluent?
    The mayor had no idea if other towns are selling effluent,
    so the answer here seems to be no...

Lots of public comment, "privilege of the floor" both at the start
and before the vote. Big turnout, the room was packed. I'd guess 60-70
maybe more.

Comment period closed. Motion to vote, seconded.
A few questions from 3 of 4 (or 5) board members.
Motion to table, seconded, no discussion on the motion,
unanimously passed.

My guess is that this will be referred to a committee to study,
so Owego residents should be prepared to get involved here,
and keep close eye on things

... of course with support from NYRAD in surrounding counties!
I know Broome Co. NYRADians really appreciates the work of
several very hard working people from Tioga Co. (and others!!)
who did support work to defeat our Inflection deal.
Now it's time for Broome Co. folks to help you out!

William Huston  
Binghamton NY             Phone: 607-321-7846

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