Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Big story!! Where are those FOILd emails from Tom West to DEC ?

Thanks to Environmental Working Group!

We now have proof the DEC was playing
kissy-cuddly nice-nice with industry,
however this occurred at a party to which the public was not invited.

Who does the DEC work for again?
Yes, the public the seem to have contempt for.

Recap of 11 hearings on the SGEIS:

Number of hearings attended by
Gov. Cuomo: 0
Com. Martens: 0
Sen. Libous: 0

This looks real bad for Steve Russo and other top players at the DEC.
Steve Russo and Eugene Leff attended 8 of 11 sessions,
and had to endure testimony like this and this.

And this was before we had confirmation of the cozy discussions with industry
before release of the docs.

Congrats to EWG for the story break, and to Chip Northrup for analysis:

May you, and all beings
be happy and free from suffering :)
-- ancient Buddhist Prayer (Metta)

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