Monday, September 10, 2012

Great website : from NYer's Vera Scroggins took out on a citizen tour of our gas sites and affected residents....

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Vera Scroggins 
Date: Mon, Sep 10, 2012 at 10:55 AM

Rebecca has lived in the Susquehanna Valley for almost twenty years. She lives just down the road from a large fracking operation and below a hill where a 36-acre compressor station will be built. Her neighbors have sold to investors, and she has put her own house on the market. Her story, sadly, is not unusual.
Neighbors The Flare
Ray built his own house fifteen years ago and never had trouble with the water until the gas company began to drill across the street. His water is a yellowish brown, and contains a long list of toxic chemicals. His neighbors have the same problem; many have sold their houses to the gas company and moved away.
This House
Tammy and her husband bought their home two and a half years ago, only to have their water well erupt like a geyser when fracking began nearby. Tests showed their water contains toxic chemicals and the nearby swimming hole is off limits because of bubbling methane and contamination from chemical spills.
Truth Grandchildren
Do you have a story to share about how fracking has affected your life? Contact us today!
Governor Cuomo will decide if millions of New Yorkers will have their lives disrupted, their water and air contaminated, their landscape scarred, their health threatened and their future stolen in return for more fossil fuel.
Fracking Voices is a project of Grassroots Environmental Education, a non-profit organization. Contact

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May you, and all beings
be happy and free from suffering :)
-- ancient Buddhist Prayer (Metta)

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