Sunday, August 11, 2013

A photo of something the Gas Industry says DOES NOT EXIST!

Here is a photo of something which the gas industry claims does not exist:
AQUIFER contamination caused by hydraulic fracturing fluids.

Gerri Kane, Susquehanna County, PA demonstrates high concentration of iron in her drinking water using a magnet. This contamination occurred as a result of gas drilling and hydraulic fracturing near where she lives. There are ~45 permitted well pads within 3 miles of her home. Photo: Dave Elder

First, listen to the HYPE:

Here are Steve Everley of Energy in Depth, and Karen Moreau of American Petroleum Institute say the often repeated phrase, "Hydraulic Fracturing has never contaminated underground sources of drinking water." Note they always cite a government source for this info. Moreau cites Lisa Jackson, former head of EPA, Everley cites unnamed "state regulators".

These are both short clips, just a few seconds each:

... You get the idea.

But the TRUTH IS (as you are probably already aware, esp. if you've seen Gasland, or any of the great videos by Scott Cannon, Vera Scroggins, or from Shaleshock Media) that water contamination from Fracking is common and systemic. The gas industry knows this well, as is revealed to their stockholders in the annual report and in their SEC filings. 

NEXT: Decomposing the truth:

The photo above clearly shows that Gerri Kane has large amounts of iron
in her water, and judging by the color, other stuff too. 

Her water changed quality coincident with gas drilling and fracking in the area.

So how does the iron get into the water as a result of fracking?
First check the industry chemical disclosure site, FracFocus:

... and you will find that powerful ACIDs are used in the fracking fluid cocktail to DISSOLVE ROCK.

Man, can you imagine acids so powerful they can dissolve solid rock?

Maybe we should call it ACID FRACKING?

Don't laugh before you check this guy out:

Why do they use acids?
There seem to be two primary applications. 

1) to make the initial fractures larger after perfing, and
2) to prevent rust (iron oxide) from accumulating inside the well-bore.

So IF (or perhaps WHEN is more likely) these fluids enter underground sources of drinking water, the acids become diluted. Also, there are sometimes underground formations which are alkaline (high pH), which can make the acids become more neutral.

Either way, as the acids are diluted or neutralized, the dissolved rock falls out of the solution as precipitate. Hence, iron particles in Gerri Kane's water.

Yes, some people do have naturally occuring iron in their water, which can stain bathtub drains orange. But not flakes so big you can see them with your eye!

HERE is but ONE WAY (of many) which fracking fluids can contaminate underground sources of drinking water.

As more evidence, here's a photo of Ray Kembel's water, Dimock PA, taken December 2012, after a nearby well was hydraulically fracked. NOTE! This was a rare situation where there was no drilling in the area at the time, as Dimock was still under a drilling ban due to prior water contamination by Cabot.

This water had a foul odor, which I would call pungent, metallic, and/or musty. I felt like I almost gagged when I inhaled it.

So above we have TWO examples of likely, and probably water contamination from FRACKING ALONE, and in Gerri's case, a scientific explanation for how that Iron got in her water, with citations from the industry website FracFocus.

I hope this is helpful.

May you and all beings be happy
and free from suffering!

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