Two Scientists DEBATE
The Pros & Cons of GAS DRILLING
February 20, 2011
2 – 4pm
Brown Auditorium
Old Main, SUNY Cortland
Cortland, NY
(Engineer, FractureExpert, Cornell University)
Dr. Ingraffea opposes the large scale industrialization of the country-
side required for shale gas extraction. He has given many presenta-
tions around the Northeast explaining the harmful impacts the pro-
posed hydraulic fracturing technology will have.
Professor Donald Siegel
Also, this event was videotaped. A preliminary video (one camera) is now online here:
Streaming video with seek to time:
If this doesn't work for you, try these files:
The final multi-camera edit will be online in a couple of weeks, and DVDs will be available
through Shaleshock, NYRAD, GDACC, and other groups for home screening or on Public Access TV.
Thanks to Cris for getting the video online so quickly, and to the rest of our Audio/Video crew:
Cris McConkey, Bill Huston, Dan, Jim Little, Ben Bristol, David Frey, Mr. Wright.
Keep watching http://www.ShaleShockMedia.org for more info.
Organized by GDACC (Gas Drilling Awareness for Cortland County) and sponsored by SUNY Cortland: Office of the President, NYPIRG, Philosophy Department, and Center for Gender and Intercultural Studies and co-sponsored by many area organizations.
Is it OK for you if we upload the Ingraffea video on our YouTube channel: youtube.com/heavenorshell ?
Thanks in advance and best regards from Sweden,
Heaven or sHell
I can't play any of the movies, because I'm missing a plugin. I don't use Windows; but use Ubuntu-Linux instead. In the meantime, let me know if you plan on converting the movies to another format.
Also, What is your assessment of the outcome of the debate? Do you think Tony prevailed? What was the consensus after the meeting? Inquiring minds want to know... :-) -Rick White- iwisweb@endicottalliance.org
aulm, I think I would prefer if you did not. The reason is that there are no credits, and we have not discussed licensing. I would assume the license is CC-BY-ATTRIB, but I would prefer that you wait for the better version with proper credits.
In about 2 weeks we are going to put a much better version out there, with views from multiple cameras.
Rick, you should easily be able to find a Quicktime plugin for linux. It's a fairly standard CODEC, which is comes from Apple/Mac.
As for "who won?", I can't say. It was fairly balanced and moderated. When I'm working crew, focusing on tech, I don't really get a chance to pay attention to the material.
One reason I record this stuff is to get more eyes and ears looking this material over.
thanks! I didn't get to Cortland for the debate so I appreciate being able to watch them here on your blog.
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